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If you're in the market for a Game Card Case as well we've got you covered! As the names suggest, our "Nintendo Case" is a brand-new Nintendo manufactured Game Card Case, while our "Clone" case is third party manufactured replica. The material weight and thickness is spot on and unlike our previous "B A S I C" inserts, Standard Inserts also feature double-sided print! The exterior surface is distinguished with a mirror like finish while the interior features a lightly textured gloss. Pokemon Ultra Sun 3DS Decrypted (EURUSA) ROM (Region Free) Download. Our Standard inserts are a faithful reproduction of original retail inserts and have proven to be a popular choice among those desiring that "Official" look. 0 Xenoblade Chronicles 2: Torna - The Golden Country 0100C9F009F7A000 v1. All of our inserts Reproduction, Custom, and Personalized have undergone meticulous development through every phase of production to ensure you receive a quality product that exceeds your expectations. Our Reproduction Inserts are sourced from on-hand Nintendo assets to ensure precise color replication and outstanding image fidelity. For this reason we've tasked ourselves with more than just producing game stuff, we've adopted the Nintendo ideal an expectation for absolute quality in our products. Thank you for shopping ZOMBYTE! your source for high quality game stuff! We love Nintendo games because they're FUN, but we value Nintendo for their outstanding quality and attention to detail.